Chongwen Wang

Research Internship@UWcnc

Personal Notes

Here are some videos (recorded at a weekend theory discussion class I organize at U of Washington) and handwritten notes on topics related to theoretical approaches in neuroscience. The topic for at least half a year will be Dynamical Mean Field Theory, covering paper from the simplest random RNNs, to more complex heterogeneous as well as multi-regional RNNs. As well as analyzing networks in various timescales with DMFT. The notes will cover the vast majority of the computational details of these classical works.

Here is the resources I collected for this DMFT reading corner.

First week: DMFT equations of (Sompolinsky, 1988), based on heuristic method
Note    Video
Second week: Corresponding dynamics analysis and maximal lyapunov exponent.

Here's a tutorial slide about theories of cerebellum-like structure, but it doesn't cover the computational details.